Sunday, September 7, 2008

Arbuckle Wilderness (Drive-thru Safari)

My family, you can see I have my arm around Sonia here and note the resemblance with our daughter LOL

Bitten by a tiger.

Feeding an Alpaca. This part was cool, but the animals were very aggressive and they slobbered all over the car.

Rhino head.

Jeep safari

A couple of wild animals.

School's in session

Mariana looking cute in her uniform.

Sonia's Family comes for a visit

Jeremy and I took Jose Luis and Eduardo to a Cowboy game, they won BTW.

Silvia with her grandchildren.


Here's a picture of a giant tire on the side of the interstate between Chicage and Detroit. Pictures of Clveland to come soon.

July 4

Mariana preparing for her 4th of July Parade at school.

She looks so grown up here.